Kamis, 20 Agustus 2009

Potret Jakarta

jakarta's traffic is very not friendly today!
yapp...hari ini semua jalanan yang gw lewatin adalah PADAT MERAYAP..denger radio juga semua bilang "cukup padat" di sanalah,di situlah,dimana-mana,,sampe2 diberlakukan buka-tutup untuk masuk ke jalan tol, kaya di puncak aja gitu,,
hmmm,ga taua syp yang salah,kalo banca di koran, katanya muatan kendaraan di jalan yang meningkat,tapi kalo melihat kenyataan di jalanan, slain populasi kendaraan bermotor yang ga tau diri, kayanya para 'pelaku' juga lumayan banyak yang ga tau diri..bayangin yah, ada truk gede banget yang jalannya SANGAT LAMBAT, dan jalannya di tengah aja duluuuu,,,blom lagi ada truk yang berhenti di pinggir jalan,cuma gara2 kaya gtu doank,bisa bikin mobil lainnya yag di belakang jalan dengan kecepatan 2km/jam!oh,,come on guys,don't just think anbout ur self, THINK about OTHERS!kalo dah kaya gini, baru deh kembali mengingatkan pada plajaran ppkn jaman dulu,ko seperti tidak berguna dan tidak nyata pada kehidupan sehari2 yah??
lanjuutt..dan yang paling oke adalaaaahh,,di tengah2 kmacetan yang sangat diatas tol, tiba2, lewatlah segerombolan mobil besar(APV,Fortuner, dkk.) berwarna hitam dengan pelat mobil berkode blakang 'RFS', dikawal polisi,menyelak dengan senaknya,nyuruh mobil2 yang ada di depannya minggir ke-kiri or ke-kanan. WOW! betapa egoisnya kalian..hmmm,,it makes me think then, don't u guys feel how sucks it is if we stuck in the middle of traffic jam?!?!and with ur money, u get a direct access for 'no traffic jam' at all..
ckckckc...i think u guys are so selfish..=(

Senin, 17 Agustus 2009

Knees Injury

Injury, especially for the amateur dancer, or even to the professional, is by no means inevitable. As the dancer, we need to be aware of certain areas of vulnerability, or “hot spots”. Knees are hot spots for almost athletes or dancer. The turnout required in ballet poses an extra challenge for this complex confluence of ligaments, tendons, cartilage, bones and muscles. Professional dancer can suffer from numerous knee conditions, ranging from minor muscle strain to serious ligament and tendon injuries. Amateurs also endure knee injuries, but with common sense and prevention, the body and the knees can dance as boldly as we like.

The quadriceps and hamstring muscles control knee function, and along with ligaments give support and stability to the joint. Alignment of the pelvis and strength in the pelvic girdle muscles also directly affect knee function. That is one reason why pulling up through your entire leg is so important in ballet. Patellar tracking problems and patellar tendinitis (“jumper’s knee”), common ailments for the dancer, typically result from a combination of muscle imbalance, weak inner quadriceps, alignment faults, and overuse.

It is tempting to try to compensate for lack of turnout at the hip by over rotating at the knee and ankle. When turnout is forced, however, the lower leg bones (tibia and fibula) are torque outward against the upper leg bone (the femur). The knee joint is in between bears the brunt of this unnatural and dangerous twisting. Soft tissues like ligaments, capsule, and cartilage can be injured especially if the effort occurs while the knees is flexing or locking out into a straightened position. jumping in misaligned position can also cause trauma to the knee.

The story begin..

Hmmm..firstly i would like to say HI!

let me tell you guys about my world first..

i just graduated from University of Indonesia, majoring in architecture..and i'm so interested in ballet..sounds not related each others but, those things that i believed will bring me up to the top of my life,,yeay!
why do i say that?
yap, because i'm obsessed to be a balllet teacher with my own ballet school and a lecture in architecure study..seems like,weirdo maybe for several peeps,,ya but it just what i want to be, and i do believed, someday it will happen to me then..(insya allah..)
my parents always told me to think positive and be optimistic about my hope,,because without our mind, skill can't help us to realised our hopes..

okay..maybe it's a little begin of my story..
c u on the next story of mine... =)